Step Four Bring the large image back onto the screen as a pop-up when the thumbnail is hovered
ul.enlarge li:hover{
z-index: 50; /*places the popups infront of the thumbnails, which we gave a z-index of 0 in step 1*/
cursor:pointer; /*changes the cursor to a hand*/
/***We bring the large image back onto the page by reducing left from -9999px (set in step 2) to figures below***/
ul.enlarge li:hover span{ /*positions the <span> when the <li> (which contains the thumbnail) is hovered*/
top: -300px; /*the distance from the bottom of the thumbnail to the top of the popup image*/
left: -20px; /*distance from the left of the thumbnail to the left of the popup image*/
/***To make it look neater we used :nth-child to set a different left distance for each image***/
ul.enlarge li:hover:nth-child(2) span{
left: -100px;
ul.enlarge li:hover:nth-child(3) span{
left: -200px;
Result hover over the images to see the effect
Deckchairs on Blackpool beach
Sunset over the Irish Sea at Blackpool
Rolling waves off Blackpool North Pier
Step Five Style the popup images
/***Override the styling of images set in step 3 to make the frame smaller and the background darker***/
ul.enlarge span img{
padding: 2px; /*size of the frame*/
background: #ccc; /*colour of the frame*/
/***Style the <span> containing the framed images and the caption***/
ul.enlarge span{
/**Style the frame**/
padding: 10px; /*size of the frame*/
background:#eae9d4; /*colour of the frame*/
/*add a drop shadow to the frame*/
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0, .75));
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0, .75);
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0, .75);
/*give the corners a curve*/
-webkit-border-radius: 8px;
-moz-border-radius: 8px;
/**Style the caption**/
font-family: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif; /*Droid Sans is available from Google fonts*/
<li><img src="assets/image-enlarge02-sml.jpg" width="150px" height="100px" alt="Blackpool sunset" /><span><img src="assets/image-enlarge02.jpg" alt="Blackpool sunset" /><br />Sunset over the Irish Sea at Blackpool</span></li>
<li><img src="assets/image-enlarge03-sml.jpg" width="150px" height="100px" alt="Blackpool pier" /><span><img src="assets/image-enlarge03.jpg" alt="Blackpool pier" /><br />Rolling waves off Blackpool North Pier</span></li>
list-style-type:none; /*remove the bullet point*/
ul.enlarge li{
display:inline-block; /*places the images in a line*/
position: relative;
z-index: 0; /*resets the stack order of the list items - later we'll increase this*/
margin:10px 40px 0 20px;
ul.enlarge li:hover span{
top: -300px; /*the distance from the bottom of the thumbnail to the top of the popup image*/
left: -20px; /*distance from the left of the thumbnail to the left of the popup image*/
/**IE Hacks - see for more info on how to use CS3Pie and to download the latest version**/
ul.enlarge img, ul.enlarge span{
behavior: url(pie/;
The demo uses postition:absolute together with position:relative, so here's a brief explanation... position:relative -- lets you position an object relative to its normal position, using top, bottom, left and right position:absolute -- removes an object from the normal flow and positions it exactly where you say on the page position:relative with position:absolute -- lets you position a child element inside its parent. If you don't first use position:relative on the parent element, the absolutely positioned child will move outside the parent.
z-index specifies the stack order of an element within the document. Elements with a higher z-index will appear infront of those with a lower z-index. Note that it only works on positioned objects.